Sheraton Lisle Hotel
Sheraton Lisle Hotel
Hotels/Motels Extended Stay Hotel
The Sheraton Lisle Hotel is perfectly located for discovering everything that the Chicago area has to offer. Near the intersection of Interstates 88 and 355, Lisle is close to plenty of road, train, and air travel options. Both O’Hare International Airport (ORD) and Midway International Airport (MDW) are less than 30 minutes away. Our 242 guest rooms and suites have everything you need for a great stay. Enjoy a flat screen TV, wireless High Speed Internet Access, a spacious desk with an ergonomic chair, and upscale bath amenities. Sleep soundly in the plush Sheraton Sweet Sleeper™ Bed with its welcoming duvet. Club Rooms include upgraded amenities and Sheraton Club Lounge access.