Knox Presbyterian Church

Knox Presbyterian Church
Non-Profit Organizations Churches, Religious Organizations
Loving sacrificially, serving generously, and seeking Jesus together to see God’s kingdom come in the Naperville area and beyond
Lives are changed by Jesus. We follow the living Christ, and our lives are different because we know him. In all we do, we want to put Jesus at the center, and share him with others.
We’re together in highs and lows. We are authentic and vulnerable with one another, showing up as our real imperfect selves. We celebrate in good times and show up in hard times with prayer, caring, and support.
We take fun seriously. ‘Doing church’ and ‘having a good time’ are not mutually exclusive! Laughter, joy, and good clean fun are an essential part of our life together. We take Jesus seriously, and ourselves less so.
Kids grow here. We believe that passing the Christian faith onto the next generation is crucial. We welcome and support families of all kinds to help kids of all ages build a faith that lasts.
Service is hands-on. We express our faith by serving others—rolling up our sleeves and getting our hands dirty. When there is a need, we want to respond like Isaiah did: ‘here I am, send me!’
We cultivate curiosity. We recognize that following Jesus is a lifelong process of engaging with scripture and pursuing God in a community of faith.